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In our mission to offer girls healing, Awareness education, and strategies about Child Sexual Abuse/Trafficking Julie’s Haven perceives the way society communicates and applies the world’s overall valuation of women as a de-valuation of girls and women primarily through sexualization. Since it is not healthy to guide girls into awareness through negativity and protest, it is better to guide every girl to enable her to discover and embrace her own unique value. We are committed to raise the true essential value of a girl that is apart from the common negative messages that emotionally and practically breaks down a healthy sense of worth and purpose within each child. Julie’s Haven and Julie’s Haven Unique Gurl uses Awareness Protects strategies that awakens a self-value that enables girls to better perceive Child Sexual Abuse/Trafficking targeting, and grooming in person and online. Join us as an Awareness Partner to empower girls, because AWARENESS does protect.

Happy African American family. Three teenage sisters together looking at camera, smiling..
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