The Truth...Abuse is Happening

Physical and sexual abuse of children is happening, especially to girls. The reported victim rate on child maltreatment is 8.1 victims per 1,000 children in the population. The victimization rate for girls is 8.7 per 1,000 girls. This percentage may seem low but CPS agencies as of 2021, received a national estimate of 3,987,000 total referrals or allegations. The total referrals alleging maltreatment includes approximately 7,176,600 children. Also it is important to understand that allegations/reports that are examined for validity have a national rate of screened-in referrals (reports) is 27.6 per 1,000 children in the national population. So many abused and neglected children never end up on a report. Imagine the magnitude of the true numbers. To further the complications in these reports is investigating the four types of child abuse: physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect. Most of the reporting of child maltreatment (67%) is through professionals which includes teachers, police officers, lawyers, and social services staff. 21.8% of professional reporting is legal and law enforcement personnel, 15.4% is education personnel, and 12.2% is through medical personnel.
Normally our Awareness Partners newsletter is not full of statistics but it is important to show that the crisis on girls and children is immense and spreading into digital and social media at alarming rates. Since our focus is on girls at Julie’s Haven and Julie’s Haven Unique Gurl we will also continue to explain to adults and girls what child abuse is and that they can get help. We wrongly assume that most people know what the abuse of children is like but we are conditioned to ignore the plight of others while we explore the world through social media and entertainment. Many adults are themselves former victims of child abuse and they have a traumatized understanding of discipline, correction, emotions, and boundaries of a physical and sexual nature. The greatest impact and distortion is on girls (children) who are experiencing child maltreatment which includes neglect. These girls are often born into neglect and maltreatment. Children younger than 1 year old have the highest rate of victimization at 25.3 per 1,000 children. How can these children comprehend their abuse, especially when victimization is often so close to home ? Julie's Haven will continue to offer information and strategies on "Awareness and Prevention" on the maltreatment of children, especially girls. Together we can help and protect
Questions and Answers
Q: Why Julie’s Haven?
A: The media and statistical data shows that girls worldwide are being physically harassed and sexually violated daily as if this is a normal and accepted way of life. Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. Our main call-to-action is AWARENESS PROTECTS, a message interwoven in every program, post, and newsletter we publish at Julie’s Haven. We also present this same message at Julie’s Haven Unique Gurl (, which is our singular voice directed to girls on topics important to everyday living and being. Awareness is important for girls in their online activities and is especially vital in daily activities because most harassment, molestation, and rape occur through a person that the girl has some personal connection or social/academic interaction; 93% of the perpetrators of sexual violence to individuals under the age of 18 years of age are known to the victim. While we consistently send the AWARENESS PROTECTS call-to-action, we STRONGLY inform, assert, and assure in all we present that it is NEVER THE FAULT OF THE GIRL WHEN SHE IS ATTACKED, ABUSED, AND DECEIVED into physical and or sexual contact or raped by anyone. THIS ABUSE IS CRIMINAL OF THE ATTACKER EVEN IF THE GIRL KNOWS THE PERSON THAT HAS OR IS HURTING HER IN THIS WAY.
Q: What does Julie’s Haven actually do?
A: Julie’s Haven has developed two strong philosophical approaches to reach the hearts and minds of girls, their parents/guardians, and important adults in their lives. (1) Is the implementation of Julie’s Haven’s ‘Purpose, Passion, and Power Program (3P’s). This program contains the core principles for all we do at Julie’s Haven. We guide girls and parents to see that each girl has meaning and value beyond how they or others may objectify them sexually. In our virtual and live workshops, we bring out the meaning of Purpose (value), Passion (will/motives), and Power (ability/intention) through targeted activities, videos, and interactive personal expression to reach the inner essence and voice of each girl participant. Girls discover room to grow, heal, serve, and contribute to our global society as they strive to overcome the hurts and disappointments of being guided away from their highest potential in so many areas. When a young lady understands she is unique, that her talents and gifts are hers alone, and that NO ONE is like her, she often has higher self-esteem, develops more self-confidence, or gains confidence.
The other approach that we implement through Julie’s Haven is the Information, Counseling, and Art Programs (ICA). We use Self- Empowering articles, blogs, and news links to relevant data and resources because we believe that with self-empowering sources of Information, girls are less likely to be victimized. Finally, we use Art Healing Workshops and Projects that encourage self-discovery and expression with the use of Art. The healing process can deepen and find practical outlets through the use of Art and other affirmational concepts. Julie’s Haven believes every girl deserves an opportunity to know that she is unique, deserving to be treasured, and appreciated for her abilities to contribute to our global society.
Q: How Can I Help the Mission of Julie's Haven ?
A: Currently, Julie’s Haven is in Phase 1 and Phase 2 (workshops) of the 6 Phases that we have committed to accomplishing to reach girls around the world to dismantle the devaluing, objectifying mindset and practice of physical and sexual abuse that has been created for all girls.
Julie’s Haven needs Partners to ‘share’, ‘follow’, and ‘like’ us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Please share our AWARENESS PROTECTS call-to-action with your own girls, family, and everyone in your influence. Review the information on our website to gain strategies to help your girl(s) to have and express greater value for herself which will guide her decisions and actions online and in her environment. Encourage any caring adult you know to visit both websites (, especially Unique Gurl
Encourage them to signup for the News letter and Uniquegurl blog.
Q: Who is Julie ?
A: Juliette is the "Julie" in Julie’s Haven, the grandmother of the primary visionary of this organization. Juliette believed in giving her heart and home to those who have lost both their hearts and homes. Juliette’s door and life was always opened for others. She lived with genuine love and sensitivity towards being a healing Haven. Juliette (Grandma Julie) lived as a safe, caring person of wisdom who gave her home as a place for an individual’s inner exploration, empowerment, and restoration.
In honor of Juliette, Julie’s Haven is an organization that focuses this same loving attention to empowering the needs of girls and especially girls who have experienced sexual and emotional abuse.
Q: Why is a Safe Haven House needed?
A: A Julie’s Haven Safe Haven House can be that necessary barrier and protection for the girl in danger from more abuse and an opportunity for the girl to discover her value as a person while her future physical safety is being prepared. Unfortunately, many girls of physical and sexual abuse are rejected by their parents and guardians. Too often, the abuse is perpetrated by people within the girl's family or within her normal social environment. The majority of emergency housing for women in the United States is centered around homelessness, which is increasing due to domestic violence in families. These facilities are often filled to capacity and have little to no experience working with teens who have experienced physical and/or sexual abuse. These facilities handle multiple issues and are unfortunately overrun with pressing day-to-day survival needs while they seek to help with the violent events that pushed individuals into emergency living. Yes, many states do have foster care. However, these facilities are also often unavailable due to limited space and the number of children that need placement. A girl that has unfortunately been abused would benefit from being placed in an environment that can assist her with beginning the healing process to her mind and soul, such as Julie's Haven Safe House.
Q:How is my donation used?
A: Julie’s Haven needs regular funding to support the mission through newsletters, articles, research, blogs, and eventually, the 3P’s podcast (March 2025) to reach out virtually. We also have launched an educational comic to help related organizations and teenage groups learn about the issue of Groomers for which printing and mailings require funding. We are also trying to develop partnerships with local schools. Since our launch of Phase 1, we have successfully completed several in-person workshops related to our 3P's Program. Julie’s Haven is currently spreading our message on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and soon on Youtube. The Purpose, Passion, and Power (3P’s) and the ICA workshops require rental space, printed materials, audio/video equipment, staff for presentation (we currently have great volunteers), and transportation costs. We would like to empower All girls at no cost to their parents or guardians.
Any donations given are ( applied in their entirety to the mission of Julie’s Haven.
For more information on all Phases of Julie’s Haven or other questions, please email us at